Career Coaching Services

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MacBook Pro near white open book
1:1 Career Coaching

Customized 1:1 Career Coaching to put you on the right career path and support along your journey

4 Coaching Sessions: For Only $795!*

  • YOUR TIME IS NOW: Navigate through a soul-searching journey that will explore your past career choices, hidden strengths, personality traits, passions and interests.

  • FIND YOUR SPARK: Work through questions that spark curiosity and have those "AHA!" moments through weekly worksheets, coaching conversations, and career assessments.

  • MOMENTUM BASED: Learn how to nurture your career and find momentum to direct you down the right career path.

  • CAREER PATH: Discover the best career path to fit your personality, strength, and potential with a report on the next steps in the process

  • CONTINUED SUPPORT: As part of the plan, stay connected with Michael for up to 6 months through your journey

* In-Full Payments would be required prior to the start of the first coaching session.
* There is also a payment plan available on a monthly basis that can be discussed.

1:1 Career Coaching

How It Works

We meet on Google Meet for 45 minute coaching sessions.

• You’ll work through structured homework assignments each week to help you identify your passions, interests, strengths, and cravings - to create a path forward for your future career.

• You’ll receive a career report at the end of the sessions to give you direction for the path forward.

• We evaluate the coaching roadmap that you need to support you toward future success.